This is a coin of Philip of Taranto, Prince of Achaea from 1306-1313. This coins is in horrible condition and was probably the hardest one to finally attribute. I literally spend hours trying to identify some of the letters, then comparing them to the references and see if there were any matches. The obverse reads +PhS*ACh V__C__ surrounding a short cross. As you can see on the reverse, this coin shows the distinctive "Tournois" style. Superman will be able to read the +DE CLARENCIA legend surrounding it - I needed a magnifying glass.
Philip of Taranto was the son of Charles II of Anjou. He was given Achaea, Athens, Albania, Corfu, and Epirus by his father in 1294. He ceded Achaea in 1301 as a wedding present to Philip of Savoy and Maud of Hainault. He regained the title in 1306 when Charles II declared Philip's marriage to Maud as illegal. Philip ceded the principality once again in 1313 to Louis of Burgundy upon his marriage to Maud of Hainault. Philip died in 1331.
The reason I've included this coin is to highlight an interesting characteristic - sometime in the past a hole was drilled in this coin. As you can see, it's quite small - only the smallest of chains would fit, so I am guessing that this was sewn onto a garment. This was often done to provide adornment for a person of moderate means, not as a way to save or hide the coin.
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